We are looking forward to Bopping with everyone to celebrate Naidoc Week 2019 on the 10th of July at Pt Augusta at the West East Football Club from 6.30pm.
We also entertained for NAIDOC WEEK in 2017 & 2018 with our FUN Disco for the children around Pt Augusta area.
(Yes we do country areas to)
The entertainer for the night was Olivia. Pt Augusta is Olivia’s home town, so it was fitting that she has been the entertainer for the second year running. The organizers were very excited that they could have her again this year saying she does an terrific job!

Bop till you Drop Disco Pt Augusta
NAIDOC week is celebrated annually in the full first week of July, it stands for ‘National Aboriginal and Islanders Day of Observance Committee’. This week Celebrates their History, Culture and Achievements.

The children were mesmerised by our Bop till you Drop Entertainer Olivia
NAIDOC is an opportunity to recognise the contributions that Indigenous Australians make to our country and our society.
Its origins can be traced to the emergence of Aboriginal groups in the 1920′s which sought to increase awareness in the wider community of the status and treatment of Indigenous Australians.
If your looking for some FUN children’s entertainment for your Business, Sporting Club, Fete, Kindy or School function. We specialise in Disco and Karaoke Parties for 1 – 16 year olds. We will come to you fully equipped with microphones, music, lights and a non stop DISCO KARAOKE entertainment, with Dancing , Singing and Musical Games and more.
Don’t forget we also have a FUN 2 day School Holiday Pop Star Workshop to ! See my website here.