Due to COVID-19 and social distancing, the last few months have given us all a fair share of disappointment from missing out on events we were all looking forward to. From concerts, weddings, seeing family and friends, we even missed out on Easter (please don’t tell me I’m the only one who still ate chocolate bunnies?).
Especially disappointed were the children who had their birthday during the quarantine. We all know that children wait all year for their one special day of the year and for many they had to celebrate their party indoors, without their friends.
Luckily, the team here at Bop till you Drop launched our own Virtual Parties, and they were a HUGE success! Our customers were surprised at how much excitement, engagement and social connection was generated, even though it was through a computer screen! (We are still doing these for some of our international customers who are unfortunately still in quarantine).
Now, as restrictions are slowly lifting (and in different ways from state to state) a lot of you might be wondering what this means for our children’s birthday parties?
How is the team at Bop till you Drop prepared to start safely providing party entertainment?
Currently, we are still at stage 1 of Queensland’s Roadmap to Easing Restrictions. For Bop till you Drop parties this means no more than 5 guests at a house party and up to 10 people at an outdoor party (including the entertainer). As stated in our COVID-19 Policy, we have also adjusted our party structures to minimise contact between children.
Stage 2 kicks in from 12 June, which allows gatherings of up to 20 people in homes and public spaces. How exciting!
Our recommendations to Parents:
- If you book a Disco & Karaoke Party with us, make sure the room is big enough for social distancing (1.5m apart) but small enough so that the ‘party atmosphere’ is still there and kids don’t get distracted.
- For small discos, we recommend
booking no longer than an hour
- For our Science & Slime Parties, we recommend setting up a table big enough for social distancing (standing 1.5m apart)
- Ensure you are compliant with the number of people allowed to gather at the time of your booking, i.e. parents dropping off the kids, rather than entering the party.
Here is a list of the additional precautions we are taking at Bop till you Drop:
- We are closely following updates and recommendations from the Government to minimise risks concerned with COVID-19 and implement any new restrictions
- Every Bop Entertainer will need to complete the Infection Control Training provided by the Australian Government before resuming work with us
- Implementing hand and respiratory hygiene at all of our parties
- Maintaining clean party equipment (before, during, and after the party)
- Eliminating all party games and activities that involve direct contact between children
The last few months living with COVID-19 have been unprecedented, with laws and restrictions continually changing every day. Although restrictions are easing, it’s still important to keep up to date with any new changes (as we’ve seen, things can change rather rapidly). All of the above are just recommendations for Queensland’s current climate, so we recommend that you still stay informed and updated. This will ensure you are doing your bit to protect our community.
To stay accurately informed about COVID-19 advice & information, you can visit the QLD Government Website. You could also visit the Australian Government COVID-19 WhatsApp channel to learn the latest on Australia’s response to coronavirus (COVID-19).
To all of our loyal customers, thank you SO much for your support and for sticking with us.
Together, we will rise stronger, bigger and better!!!