Blog - PerthChildren's party tipsSchool Holiday programs YORK School Holiday Workshops July 2016 What an amazing two days we had at our very first Bop Till You Drop…streetfresh22 July 2016
Blog - SydneyChildren's party tipsKids party inspirationNewsSchool Holiday programs Bellevue Hill, Sydney Workshop Photos What a lovely two days we had at our Bellevue Hill location in the July…streetfresh19 July 2016
Blog - AdelaideIn the pressNewsSchool Holiday programs Adelaide School Holiday Activities We loved meeting all the children over a FUN filled two days at our Marden…streetfresh15 July 2016
Blog - SydneyChildren's party tipsNewsSchool Holiday programs Sydney Lane Cove Photos From July Workshop We had so much fun with all the kids at our Lane Cove School Holiday…streetfresh15 July 2016
Blog - SydneyChildren's party tipsSchool Holiday programs Sydney Lane Cove Holiday Workshop We had so much fun at the Lane Cove Holiday Workshop and cant wait for the…streetfresh28 April 2016
Blog - SydneyChildren's party tipsSchool Holiday programs Sydney Mosman School Holiday Workshop So much singing, dancing and games at the Mosman Holiday Workshop Program. We had such…streetfresh28 April 2016
Blog - SydneyChildren's party tipsSchool Holiday programs Sydney Bellevue Hill School Holiday Workshop Yet again we had another successful workshop at our Bellevue Hill location. The kids in…streetfresh26 April 2016
Blog - AdelaideBlog - SydneySchool Holiday programs Easter School Holiday Program The school holiday is just around the corner and we run holiday programs that…streetfresh6 March 2016
Blog - SydneySchool Holiday programs Mosman Pop Star Camp The children always have the best time at our school holiday workshops. We had a…streetfresh8 October 2015
Blog - SydneySchool Holiday programs Bellevue Hill Pop Star Workshop Check out the images captured at our recent Bellevue Hill workshop. Some of these children…streetfresh8 October 2015